BusBuddy Ottawa

by My Appatory

Maps & Navigation


Navigate Ottawas OCTranspo transit network with ease.

Get around Ottawa with OCTranspo with ease. See all bus routes, all bus stops, and bus arrival times. Real-time bus arrivals made possible by OCTranspo real-time data feed based on GPS location of the buses.Save favourite stops and routes for quick access to information you need to get on your way.Trip planner included using OCTranspos trip planning capability.Tips1. Use long press on routes and stops to save them as a favourite which will then appear on the main menu.2. Use long press on the main menu to edit/delete favourites.3. Tap a single route on the main menu (in Stop Section) to get more details on that stop/bus route. Tap the right side of the stop cell to get stop times for all routes at that stop. Long press the right to edit that favourite stop.Suggestions welcome - send email to [email protected] bug showing the map of a route and bus stops.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Used to LOVE this app. Used it all the time for the trip planner. Now everytime I open the travel planner the app crashes.

Amanda Russo

After recent update app crashes upon startup

aecs one

GPS gives inaccurate data. For the last few mornings I could watch the gps count down to a red 0 minutes. Only problem was, there was no bus. Very problematic.

Jeremy Garrett

Trip planner just opens Google maps. After the first use the app refuses to open now. It just crashes. Tldr; used once now doesn't work

luigi grav

Gps rarely works, once the bus is late it disappears off the screen. It waste of time and space. Sucks to see an app I've had for years just stop working all together.

Allie May

Wow this apl has gone downhill. Sometime atip will disappear from favorite or the gps will stop function saying the buss is close but not. I dont blame the development owner since oc transpo wont gove out the source data etc but since August this app has gpne down hill. Sometime i refresh the lain page bit if you go to the sub individually time slot the time gps is mest up or gone. I like the app because if buss is late it doesn't push it off. Edit: if time pass buss time sch gps stops tracking

mir st

Bus times are never accurate, GPS for busses turn off at random. Not even supported by OCTranspo either.

Oh_No_My_Salt G

I held out on getting this app for way too long. Travel planner feature is a bit rough but that's ok

Megan M.

Horrible. GPS RARELY works and even if it does work, if the bus is later than the scheduled time then it just indicated you missed it and stops tracking. How is that useful in any way? Isn't the point of GPS to show us where the bus is? Even if it's late? I have always hated this app because there seem to be random times where everything works great but then weeks of no GPS with busses showing up early or late or not at all. You'd think it would be better by now?

M. K

This Bus Buddy was problem free for a long time until Monday, September 6, 2021 until it started crashing when you no sooner open it! I even did some troubleshooting to try to resolve the problem, but to no avail!!!😠

John Brack